
Jun 24, 2011

Sharepoint 2007 Calendar Color Coding.

For color coding refer to blog . But for further enhancements see below information.

J-query refer it from you document library.

<script src="/Documents/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//setting the row width for each and every bloc
var row1 = $("").parent();
var table1 =row1.parent().parent();
//hiding the time

if( $(this).html().indexOf('<NOBR') != -1)
    var left = $(this).html().indexOf('<NOBR');
    var right = $(this).html().indexOf('</NOBR>')
    var string = $(this).html().substring(left,right+7);
     var calHTML =$(this).html();
    var newHTML = calHTML.replace(string,'');

Jun 21, 2011

.Net 4.0 Advance Training.....!

Today i went to inhouse training on the  below topics. But as a SharePoint Developer not sure where to inject this topics (except WWF).....?

Code Contracts
Design-Time-Only Interop Assemblies
Dynamic Language Runtime
Covariance and Contravariance in Generics
BigInteger and Complex Numbers
Memory-Mapped Files
Managed Extensibility Framework
Parallel Computing

Jun 20, 2011

Claims Based Authentication using ADFS 2.0

SharePoint 2010 has made available a very useful type of authentication called Claims based Authentication. You can have a custom identity provider and make your web application use that identity provider in the places of default Windows Authentication. You can also make it use multiple authentication providers. Following are the steps to be followed for configuring a SharePoint 2010 web application to use Claims Based Authentication.
I will use ADFS 2.0 to authenticate users in my domain instead of Windows Authentication. 


  1. Install ADFS 2.0 on the server which can authenticate the users.
  2. Run the ADFS configuration wizard.
  3. Select create new federation server if you are using this for testing or else select the appropriate option.
  4. If you plan to use more than one ADFS select New Federation Server Farm else select Stand Alone Server. Click Next
  5. The wizard automatically picks up a certificate. If it show any error. Go to IIS manager and create a certificate with Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and run the wizard again.
  6. Give the credentials for the service account and click next.


  1. Open the ADFS 2.0 management console and expand on Trust Relations
  2. Select Relying Party Trust
  3. Click on Add Relying Party trust.
  4. Select enter data about relying party manually.
6. Select ADFS 2.0 profile and click next.
7. Selecting a certificate for encryption is optional. Click next.
8. Select Enable support for WS-Federation Passive Protocol. Give the url of your web application with /_trust/ at the end
Example (https://servername:port/_trust/)
Note: Do not forget to give the slash “/” at the end after trust (/_trust/)
              9. Click next

  1. Do not add any identifiers. Click next.
  2. Select permit all users to access this relying party. Click next.
  3. Verify the configuration and click next at the following screen.
  4. Leave the check box “Open the edit claim rules dialog…” and click on Close.
  5. Then click on Add rules.
     15. Select the claim rule template as “Send LDAP attributes as claims” 
     16. Give a name for the claim rule. Select Active Directory as attribute store. 
    Click on the dropdown and select SAM Account Name in the LDAP attribute 
    Select E-Mail address as the outgoing claim type. 
    In the next row select Token Groups – Unqualified Names as LDAP attribute 
    Select Role as the outgoing claim type.


    1. Open ADFS 2.0 management console.
    2. Expand Service and select Certificates.
    3. Right click on Token Signing Certificate and select view certificate.
    4. In the Certificate windows select Details tab and click on copy to file.


    1. In the Certificate Export wizard click next.
    2. Select DER encoded binary X.509 and click next.
    3. Give a location where you want to save the exported certificate.
    4. Click on finish.
    5. Copy this certificate to the server where the SharePoint server is installed.
    6. Central Admin-> Security -> Manage Trust and click New
    7. Upload the token signing certificate which you copied from the ADFS server.

      Configure a Claims-based Web application


      1. From the Windows Power Shell command prompt (PS C:\>), create an x509Certificate2 object using the following code:
      $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("path to cert file")
      1. Create a claim type mapping to use in your trusted authentication provider using the following code
      New-SPClaimTypeMapping ""-IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" –SameAsIncoming
      1. Create a trusted login provider by first creating a value for the realm parameter using the following code
      $realm = "https://serevrname:port/_trust/"
      1. Create a value for the signinurl parameter that points to the Security Token Service Web application using the following code
      $signinurl = "https://sysname/adfs/ls/”
      1. Create the trusted login provider, using the same IdentifierClaim value as in a claim mapping ($map1.InputClaimType) using the following code.
      $ap = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer –Name "ClaimsProvider" -Description "My Custom Identity Provider" –Realm $realm -ImportTrustCertificate $cert -ClaimsMappings $map1[,$map2..] –SignInUrl $signinurl -IdentifierClaim $map1.InputClaimType
      This completes the process of configuring SharePoint application with Claims based authentication

      Change the authentication for the SharePoint application


      2. Select the Web application for which you want to enable Claims based authentication. This should be running in the port number you specified while configuring the identity provider and the relying party.
      3. Click on the Authentication Providers and click on the Claims Based Authentication.
        4. In the dialog box, scroll the authentication providers and select Trusted Identity Providers. 
        5. That will enable the ClaimsProvider which we have created in the earlier step.
        1. Select the provider and click Ok.
        2. Create a site collection in the web application.
        3. To add the site collection administrator, click on the People picker and type the complete the email address of the user.
        4. Now you should be able select the authentication provider from Windows Authentication and ClaimsProvider when you browse the site.
        5. You can remove Windows authentication from the Authentication Providers if you don’t need it. 

That completes the process of enabling Claims Authentication for SharePoint sites.

Application Vs. Content Pages in SharePoint

Today my friend posted a simple question but might be tricky, so i thought to post it will be useful for interviews.
SharePoint has two types of ASPX pages. One type is the application page, also known as a _layout page. The other type of ASPX page is a content page, also known as a site page. Each of these page types is stored in a different location in SharePoint. When developers create custom ASPX pages, they must decide on the page type.
Content Pages or Site Pages:
Content pages or Site pages are basically built to display and manage site content. Content pages can be customized by end users from within the SharePoint user interface or with Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. When you create a SharePoint site, many content pages are created automatically, for example, home page (default.aspx) of the as well as the pages associated with lists and document libraries, such as AllItems.aspx, NewForm.aspx, and EditForm.aspx, and several others. Logically all content pages are stored within their SharePoint sites. Physically all the content pages that have not been customized, also known as uncustomized or ghosted pages, are stored on disk on the front-end Web server, while content pages that have been customized, also known as customized or unghosted pages, are stored in their associated SharePoint content database.
Content pages do not support in-line server side code under the default security policy enforced by Windows SharePoint Services. But there is a way to override the WSS settings to allow the in-line server side code in content pages. But even after overriding WSS settings, the in-line server side code will be supported on content pages only if that content page is not customized.
Application Pages or _layout Pages:
Application pages or _layout page are basically built for site management activities. Application pages does not support customization and typically created to allow users to manage settings for lists, sites, and site collections. Application pages are stored typically in the file system of the front-end Web server within a directory "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS". settings.aspx, viewlsts.aspx, etc. are few examples of application pages which you can find in the layouts directory.
Application pages are available across the server farm which allows these pages to run on any site collection in the farm. When you create a new SharePoint web application, it creates a new website in the IIS. If you look at the created website in the IIS, you can see that SharePoint automatically created a virtual directory name "_layouts" which is mapped to the physical LAYOUTS directory i.e. "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS". By using this mapping scheme along with some additional processing logic, the WSS runtime can make each application page accessible within the context of any site in the farm.
An application page, such as settings.aspx, can be accessed by adding its relative path within the _layouts directory to the end of a site’s URL. For example, you can access the Site Setting page by using the URL "".
Application pages, unlike content pages, supports in-line server side code but cannot host SharePoint features such as dynamic Web Parts and Web Part Zones.