
Jun 10, 2011

SPLINQ - Parameter.xml to show hidden fields

Problem:  I can never remember the syntax for the parameters files and need to lookup how to include hidden SP 2010 fields in the LINQ to SharePoint Proxy.

Initial Hypothesis:  Use a Parameters.xml file to get SPMetal to generate the proxy with hidden fields.  You can use the IncludeHiddenColumns element within the ContentType element to include all hidden fields or as I have done in the resolution example, specify the fields to include using the element Column.


1.> Create a parameters.xml (name it for you specific project) and add it to the 14\bin directory.

2.> Use the dos cmd prompt to generate the LINQ to SharePoint Proxy.

3.> Add the generate LINQ to SharePoint proxy code to your Visual Studio project. 

4.> Add the query to show 1 of the hidden fields that is now part of your proxy.

More Info: You can use the same technique for custom site columns however, you will need to manually edit the proxy to perform the appropriate casting.  I would still use the iCustomMapping interface for custom site columns.

Sharepoint 2010 jQuery - Hiding unnecessary columns in Calendar

I was working on a Training calendar project where i want to hide some predefined hidden field in Calendar list, i have done this in SharePoint 2007 but when i use the same java script in 2010 it doesn't work. So the following code snippet will be helpful for you guys.
  1. Enter edit mode on NewForm.aspx, by adding ?PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2 to your URL
  2. Add the Content Editor Web Part and move it to the bottom of the page
  3. Click on Source and enter the following text
01<script src=""type="text/javascript">script>
02<script type="text/javascript">
03$(function() {
04  $('').hide(); //hides the times on Start Time
05  $('span[title=All Day Event] > input').attr("checked","checked"); // checks All Day Event
06  //hide all of the check-boxes I don�t need
07  $('tr:has(span[title=Recurrence])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
08  $('tr:has(span[title=All Day Event])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
09  $('tr:has(span[title=Workspace])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
You�ll need to do something similar to your EditForm.aspx:
  1. Enter edit mode the same way was above, leaving the ID=x and changing the �?� before PageView to an �&� (i.e. ../EditForm.aspx?ID=1&PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2)
  2. Add the Content Editor Web Part and move it to the bottom of the page
  3. Add the same jQuery code from above, but delete the first two lines in the function (since it�s already an All Day Event, there�s no need to set it, and the times will already be hidden)
DispForm.aspx will be slightly different because the HTML is different:
  1. Enter edit mode the same way you did for EditForm.aspx
  2. Add the Content Editor Web part and move it to the bottom of the page
  3. Add the following code to the Source
1<script src=""type="text/javascript">script>
2<script type="text/javascript">
3$(function() {
4  //hide all of the check-boxes I don�t need
5  $('tr:has(td[id=SPFieldAllDayEvent])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
6  $('tr:has(td[id=SPFieldRecurrence])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();
7  $('tr:has(td[id=SPFieldCrossProjectLink])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide();